Component Found In Common Celery Beats Breast Cancer

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I just came across an interesting story posted on the University of Missouri 'News Bureau' website. It seems that M.U. researcher, Professor of Tumor Angiogenesis and Biomedical Sciences, Salman Hyder, has proven in a recent study, that a component found in common celery makes an effective treatment for breast cancer.

In Hyder's work, test mice injected with an aggressive breast cancer cell (BT-474) experienced rapid tumor growth. The Professor then introduced a natural chemical, called apigenin, found in celery, parsley, and other vegetables, to some of the mice. Other mice received no apigenin, but rather, a man-made progestin (medroxyprogesterone acetate) normally administered to post-menopausal women.

What happened?

The mice treated with the man-made progestin continued to suffer 'rapid,' cancerous, tumor growth; while tumors in the apigenin-treated mice 'dropped' and 'shrank,' according to Hyder. He claimed, apigenin appears to slow the progression of human breast cancer in three ways: by inducing 'cell death,' by inhibiting cancer cell 'proliferation,' and by 'reducing the expression of a gene associated with cancer growth.'

Hyder has high hopes for a natural cancer treatment that employs the plant-based chemical, apigenin. It has no known side-effects even when taken in high dosages. After all, he says, 'people have eaten it since pre-history,' in the form of fruits and vegetables.

Is there a problem in developing a treatment like this?


Pharmaceutical companies, Hyder points out, will not fund a 'treatment' that is non-patentable, can't be turned into an exclusive drug, and can be grown in the back yard of anyone who wishes to have it. Disturbing, yet true.

Of course, in my opinion, why attempt to turn Mother Nature's perfection, the edible, versatile, delicious, celery, into a standardized pill or 'treatment,' anyway? Why not simply do as Dr. Max Gerson did, with his patients? Or as Rudolph Breuss did with his? Or Professor Ehret, with his?

Their treatments involved administering the 'medicine' of nature, in its perfect, original form; raw plant-food. All of these men had scores of case histories, successfully treating hundreds of patients using nothing more than fasting, fruit and vegetable juices, and vigorous exercise.

So why then, attempt to alter what is known to work? Why not heed the words of that great 'precursor' to modern medicine, Hippocrates? Why not, indeed, 'let thy food be thy medicine?' A valid argument, I think; judging by the work of Gerson, Breuss, Ehret---and Hyder!

By the way, I'm not a proponent of animal testing for any reason. On the 'good side,' however, Hyder's research, which was published in the online journal, Hormones and Cancer, may convince at least a few more cancer-stricken humans to forego toxic chemotherapy and drugs as their treatment of choice, and go with Mother Nature's 'medicine,' instead.

So credit Hyder for building a good circumstantial case. Though if it were up to me, I'd have foregone the use of mice in the experiment, and used human volunteers instead; people, perhaps, who had tried everything and then wanted to test the value of a natural remedy over man-made drugs.

Yet, mice aside, his final evidence successfully shows this, I think: that even the deadliest disease is no match for raw plant juice, the 'life-blood' of the earth.

If I were ill, that's what I'd want.

And the moral of the story? Let me think about that.

Ah yes, I've 'got it.' When in doubt, take juice, not drugs.

Jeff Sekerak

*Dr. Hyder's commentary from the May 15, 2012, MuNews.Missourie.Edu piece, 'Breast Cancer Effectively Treated With Chemical Found In Celery, Parsley by MU Researchers.'

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